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Nurse led team Changing lives with TLC


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Nurse led team Changing lives with TLC

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Putting you at the centre of making decisions for your menopause journey


Menopause explained | Diagnostics | Treatments | Delivered with TLC

Inspiring case studies and genuine reviews

Embark on a journey through menopause with grace and vitality. Explore inspiring case studies and genuine reviews showcasing our empowering solutions. Rediscover well-being naturally, guided by real stories and expert insights. Embrace this supportive community, where women find strength and balance during this transformative phase.

After 10+ years suffering with menopause symptoms I now feel amazing

For 10+ years I’ve felt hideous, suffering with the whole caboodle of menopause symptoms.
I saw a GP 6 years ago to discuss my menopause symptoms for the first time and was advised to take anti-depressants, I said no to these as I knew in myself I wasn’t truly depressed and it was my physical health not my mental health that I needed help with.
I saw another 2 different GP’s after that and one offered me a combined tablet that they said would help and not cause my migraines to get worse. Well the migraines got worse and they didn’t help with anything so I went back after 3 months as I was now getting desperate to get some help and I was just told to persevere.
I contacted The Womens Health Clinic about 2 months ago and after finally feeling that I was being listened to, I am now on what I’ve since learnt is a standard menopause treatment of gel and a tablet. I was advised it might take a couple of months to the see the full benefit but I can honestly say after only 2 days I am already sleeping like a log and feel amazing compared to how I was.
With the menopause being talked about more on tv and in the media I was expecting a more helpful response from the GP’s I saw and at least been followed up due to the amount of symptoms I was experiencing.
The one thing I wish I had known about the menopause was that there are so many different options of medication that are available and I didn’t need to have been suffering for 10+ years.
If I had known I would have persevered with the GP’s
I now feel on top of it (the menopause) and know that I am going to be followed up 4 weeks after starting my new medication and that I can call The Womens Health Clinic anytime and know I will be listened too

Bronwen – 58

Calling the clinic was the best decision ever, you don’t have to suffer

With regards to the menopause I wasn’t feeling great, just didn’t feel like my normal self and had really sore joints and it took me a minute or two from standing to get myself moving. When I mentioned this to friends and colleagues they said it was a sign of old age
When talking to one friend in particular she said I should go private as I didn’t have to suffer like I was. It was then that I googled clinics and came across yours. It’s the best thing I’ve done, sleep is now great and as for my joints, I can now literally jump up from my chair and start walking straightaway. Karen was excellent, very informative regarding menopause care and HRT
I wish GP’s had someone working with them who specialises in the menopause and listens to us and understands too as I feel 9 out of 10 GP’s just don’t get it and the effect it has on us.
When it comes to HRT I I think women need to understand that with HRT it sometimes is trial and error to get the right one for them but it doesn’t mean they have to give up and keep suffering, also taking it has benefits not just for now but for our future health too. Also remember that you don’t have to be of a certain age to go through the menopause.
I feel so much better now and can carry on with life like I did before the menopause, I’d say to anyone who is suffering with the menopause that you don’t have to suffer and if you can afford to go private, do it


Nichola 53

Another happy patient who has given her account of her experience at the womens health clinic

I had been suffering from mood fluctuations, brain fog, night sweats which meant bad sleep pattern and loss of libido. Had spoken to a female GP 2 years previously who had told me HRT was not suitable for me. I was told  it would not improve my symptoms because I was not suffering with hot flushes during the day.
Been on HRT for short time only but the night sweats have gone, brain fog vastly improved, and there has also been improvement in mood fluctuations
I believe we are in a much better place now than 10 years ago where menopause is openly talked on radio , TV, amongst women friends  but i still feel that many GPs do not have enough knowledge or are not happy to open a discussion about menopause or are not willing to let women try HRT
We need to keep on talking about it- I understand the constraints on GP times but a women wellness appointment for women in their 40s would be a great thing where symptoms of perimenopause could be picked up early and discussions had about what to expect and what can be done to alleviate symptoms. This could perhaps be tied in with smear test appointments
I wish I had been more forceful with my GP and wish I had been more aware of perimenopausal symptoms in my 40s. I do feel like I could have felt a lot better for 4/ 5 years had I been given more facts.


Treatment Scope

Hot flushes

Brain fog


Night sweats

Vaginal dryness

Low libido


Low mood

Vaginal atrophy


All women experience the menopause at some point of their life. The term ‘menopause’ is when your periods stop marking the end of your reproductive period. In the UK, the average age is 52.


While some women sail through the menopause, others are plagued with a variety of symptoms at varying severities. There are numerous symptoms associated with the menopause.


Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can alleviate many symptoms. It works by replacing the hormones that deplete during the perimenopause and menopause.


If your assigned practitioner prescribed you HRT, our partner pharmacy will be in touch with you to deliver your prescription right to your door.


As our patient, you will be given a dedicated nurse that will help with your questions after treatment. Plus, access to an exclusive Facebook community.


It all comes down to being well informed and making choices that feel right for your. We are here to help you take charge of your health.

About Menopause

All women will experience menopause as part of ageing process. The term ‘menopause’ can describe any of the changes a woman goes through either just before or after she stops menstruating, marking the end of her reproductive period.

The average age of the menopause is 51 years but some women can suffer menopausal symptoms for up to 10 years and 0.1% of women have symptoms in their 20s. While some women sail through the menopause other women are plagued with a variety of symptoms including: hot flushes, night sweats, pain with intercourse, mood swings and low mood

The female life expectancy in the UK is now approximately 83 years so women born today are likely to spend over a third of their lives being postmenopausal. Managing the menopause is becoming an increasing part of women’s health. With the NHS at crisis point and GP’s increasing overstretched, a 7-10 minute appointment is not enough to thoroughly discuss the many symptoms you may be experiencing due to the menopause, and how they impact on your day to day life and relationships. It takes a lot of time to go through your symptoms, how your feeling, understand why it’s happening and then explore all available treatment options.


What makes us special? Why come to us?

We understand that, as women, we are not all the same. Your treatment journey relies on listening to your symptoms and for some, a blood test that will pinpoint any hormone imbalance. We can then help you choose the most effective treatment plan that will benefit you and write you a prescription for this if necessary.

Why choose us?

Here at The Women’s Health Clinic we believe every woman deserves the time to not only talk about her symptoms and understand why it’s happening but also take the time to explore all available treatment options.

Why Choose TWHC?

Due to longer life expectancy, women are now spending a third of their lifespan postmenopausal and so managing the menopause is becoming an increasing part of women’s health. With the NHS at crisis point and GP’s increasing overstretched, a 7-10 minute appointment is not enough to thoroughly discuss the many symptoms you many be experiencing due to the menopause, and how they impact on your day to day life and relationships. At TWHC, you will have the opportunity to speak to a specialist nurse with menopause interest for up to 45 minutes.


Although it’s only 1 nine-letter word, menopause, is a huge topic. It’s already hard enough for a woman trying to understand and manage her various symptoms, so we’ve made it a little easier by breaking down some important terminology for you:


Perimenopause refers to the time where your body is moving towards the end of your reproductive years and makes the natural transition to menopause.
During this transition, the hormone oestrogen begins to gradually decrease. Irregular periods begin to occur. Some women experience vasomotor and genitourinary symptoms. The perimenopause starts at different ages, and it can last between 1-7 years.


Menopause is when menstruation stops and is usually diagnosed clinically after 12 months of amenorrhoea (absence of periods)

The average age of natural menopause in the UK is 51.


Postmenopause describes the years of a woman’s life after the menopause has occured.
While some women sail through the symptoms, as many as 80% of women are thought to suffer from menopause-related symptoms. Some of them include:

Hot flushes | Night sweats | Joint pain / stiffness | Dry skin / hair | Pain with intercourse ( Dyspareunia) | Sleep disturbance | Tiredness | Mood swings | Irritability | Panic attacks | Anxiety | Low mood | Poor concentration / brain fog | Vaginal dryness | Vaginal atrophy | Vaginal laxity | Itchy skin | Weight gain | Low libido | Urinary incontinence | Recurrent Urine infections ( UTI) | Irregular periods


Hormone replaement therapy

HRT is described as, a hormone therapy that restores, at least partially, the levels of naturally occurring hormones that become imbalanced during the menopause. There are numerous types, formulations and routes of HRT, each of which confer different efficacy and side effect profiles.

HRT can provide relief from many of the symptoms suffered. Here at The Women’s Health Clinic our practitioners with a special interest in menopause can discuss treatment approaches. It is always important you and you practitioner to discuss the risks and benefits of treatments before you make an informed decision. There is a lot of conflicting evidence around the safety of HRT. However, for most women the risks of either therapy are far less than you imagine.

HRT Types

The two main treatment types are combined HRT, composed of estrogen and progesterone, and estrogen-only HRT. Combined HRT is prescribed to women who require endometrial protection. This is because unopposed estrogen can cause endometrial cells to divide rapidly, increasing the risk of endometrial cancer. Estrogen-only HRT is recommended to women who have a coil or have had a hysterectomy, in which case progesterone is not required.

HRT Delivery

There are different types of delivery methods (this is how the medication is taken): oral, transdermal, gel, spray. Vaginal estrogen is a locally active HRT that is applied topically, and its primary purpose is to treat vulvovaginal symptoms. It comes in the form of creams, rings, tablets or capsules. Systemic absorption is low, and so progesterone is usually not required for endometrial protection.


Menopause Service Pricing

Do You Have Any Questions?

How do I book an appointment?

You can book your free telephone with our nurse advisor here. She will tell you lots about our service and if you decide to book in, you will be given an appointment slot most convinient for you. 

What is covered during the 20 mins free appointment?

1. Explain our approaches to menopause 
2. Outline the process 
3. Inform that you do have a choice to take time to think about your option and only book if you feel this is the right treatment for you.
4. Inform you that we do not guarantee any result as it varies from patient to patient based on their individual circumstances.
5. Discuss any other issues the Nurse deem fit based on your consultation.
6. Ask questions of a very personal and private matter. It is therefore advisable that you do bear that in mind when booking the slot.
7. Take a non refundable deposit of £25 if you wish to book an appointment for the treatment. This payment will be deducted from your treatment cost. 

Do you do virtual appointments?

Yes! As part of our ethos of helping women make time for their health and well-being and get the support they need, we are taking a handful of our services online. This means that even if you have your hands full with the kids or work, you can still make time for you and your health.

Will I need more than one appointment?

You will start with an initial consultation and if you are prescribed treatment, we like to see you again to see how you are doing.

Can you prescribe testosterone?

Yes, after a discussion with your practitioner, they can prescribe testosterone. 

Do I need a blood test?

This is dependent on your journey. Your assigned practitioner may request a blood test. More information will follow. 

What qualifications do your practitioners have?

All our practitioners are GMC and NMC registered. They have specialisms and interests in the menopause.

What are mini services?

The beauty of our service is that we recognise that all women are different. These mini services are for 10 minutes each and can be tailored to YOU and YOUR menopause journey. They can be used to have a quick chat with your assigned nurse, request a repeat prescription or get a referral letter to your GP.

Please note that any follow ups that may be further needed will not be covered by the above packages and will be at an extra cost.

Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat Prescription fee – £25
A small chat with your practitioner to make sure everything is going well. Repeat prescriptions can be written and sent to pharmacy.

What can be done?

Lifestyle factors
A healthy lifestyle can minimize the effects of the menopause, helping to keep the heart and bones strong. Many women feel that this is a good time to review the way they treat their body. Here are some tips to give your body the easiest ride.

Chew over your diet
The fall inhormone levels (namely, oestrogen) that accompanies the menopause can increase the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. A healthy diet is essential at this stage: keep it low in saturated fat and salt to reduce blood pressure, and rich in calcium and vitamin D to strengthen bones. Some women take dietary supplements to help get the balance right.

Keep on your feet
Some women experience increased anxiety during the menopause. Regular exercise helps to convert stress into positive energy, while guarding against heart disease. A regular, varied programme is best: try cycling, swimming, running or aerobics.

Stop smoking
Smoking has been shown to lead to an earlier menopause and trigger hot flushes. If you smoke you also run a higher risk of developing osteoporosis and Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), which is the most common form of death in women.

Drink Within Reason
The combination of excessive alcohol and hormonal instability is a risky one! Alcohol increases flushes and is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Try not to drink more than 2 to 3 units of alcohol per day, and keep at least one day a week alcohol-free.

Make Use Of Health Screening Services
Studies have shown that a late menopause leads to an increased risk of breast cancer. The NHS offers screening, but you should also keep a check on any changes in your breasts, and seek advice if they occur.

Stay calm and positive
Hormone imbalance during the menopause can result in added stress and even depression. Relaxation techniques and counselling can be very helpful in coping with anxiety.

How our services works?

At The Women’s Health Clinic, we firmly believe in putting you, our patient, at the heart of any decision-making. Our practitioners will closely work with you and discuss your symptoms, medical history and treatment plan. It all begins with a free telephone consultation for 20 minutes with one of our specialist nurse advisors. They will talk you through what we do, our processes and how we work. Before you make any commitment, we want you to know what we can offer so you can decide if we are the best fit for you.


Free telephone consultation

We provide a no obligation free telephone consultation where our nurse will discuss our service with you an answer any question.


Book an Appointment

You will be booked in with our specialist nurse or doctor. You will also be sent questionnaires before your appointment so you can tell us a little more about you


Initial Consultation

During your appointment, you will have an in-depth consultation on symptoms and symptom management. They will explore some treatment options for you to make a well-informed decision.



If you proceed with treatment with consent, your practitioner will carry out the treatment. A prescription may be written and sent to an independent pharmacy. You will be in touch with them regarding payment and delivery.



We always ask you to share your experience with us and let us know how we can improve our services.


Follow up

A follow up appointment will be booked to make sure you are getting on with your prescription. Any adjustments can be made.

The real story

51-year old Karen came to The Women’s Health Clinic when life began to get harder. It started with the odd hot night in bed but now Karen was permanently rosy cheeked. A lower tog duvet and fresh sheets couldn’t stop the sweat from drenching her back, Karen’s hormones were out of control.
Flushing her way through her appointment, Karen informed our nurse that HRT just wasn’t an option for her due to a family medical history and anyway, she would prefer a more natural treatment.

After her blood test came back the nurse began to talk through the various options enabling Karen to make her own choices now she was fully informed on how her body would react. Leaving with a prescription in her hand, Karen got back in touch with the clinic just weeks later to say that she was now feeling like her old self.

She says, “It got to the stage where I wouldn’t leave the house without deodorant and a spare top in case another hot flush decided to come on. They were so unpredictable that I often felt housebound, turning down invitations to meet with friends because of the ‘what if?’ Understanding that this could go on for another 5-years just wasn’t an option for me so I was so relieved when I found I could have a consultation at my local clinic. I finally feel like my old self again.”



Menopause marks a significant life transition, and for many women, it introduces unexpected challenges like joint pain. This article delves into the intricate connection between menopause and joint pain, exploring the impact of hormonal shifts and offering practical relief strategies. Menopausal joint pain stems from a combination of factors, including hormonal fluctuations and aging. The article categorizes various types of joint pain experienced during menopause and suggests lifestyle adjustments, exercise routines, dietary considerations, and medication options for effective management. Complementary therapies like acupuncture and herbal remedies are also explored. The guide emphasizes the importance of consulting healthcare professionals when needed. Real stories from women and insights from rheumatologists add a personal and expert perspective, while FAQs address common concerns, providing a comprehensive resource for navigating menopause-related joint pain with resilience and improved quality of life.


Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a medical intervention crucial for addressing hormonal imbalances during menopause. This overview explores HRT types, indications, risks, benefits, and considerations, empowering women to make informed decisions. HRT involves supplementing or replacing natural hormone production, easing menopausal symptoms. Estrogen-only HRT suits hysterectomy patients, while combined HRT (estrogen and progestogen) reduces endometrial cancer risk. Progesterone-only HRT offers alternatives for those intolerant to estrogen. Indications depend on symptom severity, impacting quality of life and individual health. Understanding risks and benefits guides decision-making. Factors like age, health, and lifestyle influence HRT suitability. Non-hormonal alternatives and patient stories offer diverse perspectives. Gynecologists’ insights and FAQs provide additional guidance, ensuring women navigate menopause with tailored approaches.


Navigating menopause prompts a focus on supplements to manage symptoms and enhance well-being. This article explores Menopace and various supplements for women during this transformative phase. Menopace, a renowned menopause supplement, combines essential nutrients to alleviate specific symptoms. Essential vitamins and minerals like D, calcium, and magnesium support bone and heart health. Herbal supplements, including black cohosh and red clover, offer alternative relief for menopausal challenges. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil and flaxseed, benefit heart health and cognition. Assessing effectiveness and safety is crucial, considering potential interactions and side effects. Practical tips for supplement integration, dosage, and timing empower women to confidently navigate this landscape. Expert gynecologists provide additional insights, and real experiences offer diverse perspectives. FAQs address common concerns, guiding women in informed supplement choices for optimal support during menopause.


Exploring Davina McCall’s menopause journey reveals valuable coping strategies for women in this transformative phase. The TV presenter advocates for a holistic approach, emphasizing the significance of a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and hydration play a crucial role in her coping strategy, positively impacting mood and overall well-being. Mindfulness and meditation contribute to stress reduction, mental clarity, and resilience. Davina highlights the importance of building a robust support network, encouraging open conversations about menopause experiences. Her efforts in raising awareness contribute to destigmatizing menopause. Embracing a healthy lifestyle, mindfulness practices, and fostering a support network enables women to navigate menopause with resilience and grace, inspired by Davina McCall’s candid conversation. Gynecologists offer expert insights on coping strategies, while real stories from women provide diverse perspectives. FAQs address common concerns, guiding women through this transformative life stage.


Male menopause, or andropause, marks an age-related decline in testosterone levels, contributing to physical, emotional, and psychological changes. Common symptoms include low energy levels, mood swings, and decreased libido. Physical changes encompass weight gain, muscle loss, and sleep disruptions. Coping strategies involve adopting a healthy lifestyle through exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) may be considered for severe symptoms, aiming to restore hormonal balance. Prioritizing mental wellness, seeking support, and maintaining social connections are crucial. Consulting a healthcare professional is advisable for significant impacts on daily life or mental health. Recognizing and understanding male menopause symptoms empowers men to navigate this phase proactively, with insights from endocrinologists and real stories providing valuable perspectives and FAQs addressing common concerns.

Carol Vorderman and Menopause: Navigating Symptoms

Television personality Carol Vorderman recently shared on Twitter her struggle with menopausal hayfever, a lesser-known symptom affecting her eyes. At 37, she sought advice from her followers, triggering a supportive community response. Many recommended antihistamines, local honey, and lifestyle adjustments. Menopausal hayfever’s emergence emphasizes the complex interplay between hormonal fluctuations and the immune system during menopause. The Twitter exchange underscores the power of social media in fostering communal wisdom and emotional support. Expert insights highlight hormonal impacts on immunity, necessitating personalized approaches to symptom management. Lifestyle adjustments, including exercise and stress reduction, complement pharmacological interventions. Vorderman’s openness contributes to normalizing menopause discussions and connecting women through shared experiences, fostering a sense of solidarity. This conversation advocates for proactive menopausal health management and underscores the importance of community support.